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Thursday Night Yoga March 9, 2023  Yoga · Co-Ed All Skill Levels

Winter 2023
Mar 9 ’23 at 7:00 PM
Mar 9 ’23 at 8:00 PM
Registration Dates:
Jan 19 ’22 – Mar 9 ’23 regular
Sports Ministry
Minimum age:
18 years old
Maximum age:
99 years old
Age as of:
Jul 7 ’21
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Individual Fees

Christ-Centered Yoga, the 2nd Thursday of each month, in-person. All levels. All bodies. Bring your mat, water, and a block if you have it. 

Enjoy 60 minutes of breath, movement, worship, and community. Gain strength and flexibility in body, soul, and spirit.

We will meet at the RRC Arvada Campus, enter from the west entrance (front main entrance), then head downstairs to kids rock.

If you've registered and need to cancel, please take yourself off the list to make space for others; thank you!

Can't wait to see you,

Denise, Kate, Lorie, and Niki

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